Wednesday, January 25, 2012


To create a nicer, lovlier, cozier home is something that I've wanted to do for a while. What has held me back was not having enough money to do it. We are done with credit cards for the foreseeable future, so it must all be done with money in hand. Except it's all slated to go somewhere else (you know, things like rent, food for us, nourishment for the baby, clothing for the baby, heat, etc, etc things like that). So, I did what I could, and sort of stopped.

Until, I read the lovely Nicole's Honor Roll, which lead me to Jule's William Morris Project, which lead me to The Nester's 31 Days project. And Day 5 hit me, and of course! It seems so obvious now: use what you have!

I am taking the challenge of using what I already own, what I can find, and a whole lot of creativity and inspiration. Pretty home, here I come!

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